
Help bring about a Second Global Renaissance by connecting individual callings to a renewal of culture.


Help people to find calling, form character, and forge a culture of truth, goodness & beauty.


How do we keep culture from decline? Does not the Church have a part to play by being the light and salt it is called to be?

When each of us is able to find and fulfill our life’s calling, we will contribute to a renaissance of culture in every sector of society. The Renaissance is a movement aimed at helping people find their calling and connect their calling to a renaissance of culture. Our core values are truth, goodness & beauty.


Truth matters. But truth, when told through beauty and story, helps us to see why it matters. As part of the movement of the Renaissance, our thought leaders articulate a compelling Christian perspective on major social issues at venues such as churches, conferences, colleges, online platforms, and more.

Through The Renaissance Collective we also aim to “tell the truth” through film, fashion, music, dance, and more.


The French mathematician and thinker Blaise Pascal once wrote, “Make Christianity attractive; make good men [and women] wish it were truth; then show that it is.” Good work, coupled with sound theology, makes Christianity attractive. For who could resist faith when it is truly in action?


We believe that every song, movie, business, and even article of clothing tells a story, offers a picture of the world. We want tell stories that are true and beautiful. The Renaissance as a movement seeks to provide a resounding echo of the truth we know through the beauty we see. Such beautiful truth must be told and shown in theatres, fashion lines, music albums, and more. We believe that truth always belongs at the cutting-edge of beauty and culture.

Our vision is simple.

A second global renaissance of truth, goodness & beauty brought about by the grace of God and a flourishing of callings.


—The Renaissance Group